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Jurlique to the rescue - stress causing a breakout

Whether it be a lunchtime facial, an afternoon massage or a pre-weekend paper the ladies at Jurlique Wintergarden will look after you. A favourite Australian brand, Jurlique are well known for their botanical skin and body products, but also have an in house licensed aestheticians offering range of services including a variety of treatment durations to suit the busiest of diaries.

Something you need to know, Jurlique uses only pure and natural skin care products combining the ancient arts of alchemy, herbal medicine and homeopathy. Most impressive is Jurlique’s commitment to the purity of their skin care that they grow and extract many of the ingredients at an organic and biodynamic Jurlique Farm in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia.

Recently, the ladies looked after me, with a 2 hour “Touch of Heaven” treatment which included a 1 hour full body gentle massage and a 1 hour facial. This was exactly what the doctor ordered after a hectic few months of work, travel, sun exposure and stress. Keeping this in mind, my treatment was thoughtfully tailored to address my skin concerns, whilst the botanical rich formulas were chosen to pamper my skin.

Beginning with a light exfoliation to remove dead skin, I slipped into a light sleep as I my full body was gently massaged, relaxing my muscles and energising my senses. Halfway through, and true to the name, I felt like I was somewhere heavenly.

What followed was a luxurious 60 minute Classic Signature Facial. I gave the ladies a challenge that’s for sure, experts say your face manifests stress, stomach health and everything in between. After just flying home from overseas and a hectic few months, my complexion was far from perfect with pimples, a combination of oily and dry patches as well as pigmentation. However, Jurlique’s tailored treatments to suit each skin type and condition, means no facial treatment is the same.

Using the combination of carefully crafted cleansers, hydrating essences, exfoliating creams, calming mists, serums, moisturising cream, eye cream, clay masks and finally a skin balancing face oil, I’m not even kidding; my face was transformed. Shocked was an understatement, as the redness had reduced, pimples calmed and my skin was feeling perfectly hydrated. I felt like a fool…why had I not done this sooner.

Before leaving and forced to come down from my cloud, I was treated to spring water and tea. As well, I received a booklet detailing my treatment type and the products used during the session, accompanied by sample products to continue post treatment and a loyalty card. n.b. There is a good reason it’s written down… because you leave the store so relaxed and will need it when you come back to ‘Earth’. After following the aftercare routine, within two days my skin remarkably looked and felt respectable again, in what would otherwise take weeks to clear up.

I’m booked in again for another treatment to maintain my skin. Just like the gym… we need to make time. Recently I was informed that facials are no longer considered a luxury rather a necessity, as the hours spent here save you hours at home balancing your skin. It was only two hours of my day and no doubt I’ve made up that time (there are also shorter treatments). No doubt I could get used to this… with the most difficult part of the afternoon deciding on which aromatherapy massage oil to use - I went with rose water FYI.

xo Emily

Fashion and Lifestyle Journalist for Wintergarden

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